Monday, July 29, 2013

Smaller than a drinking straw

They are not even as wide as a drinking straw
1-2cm at most
How can new life pass through them?
I am still baffled by reproductive anatomy
And in awe of the miracle that occurs

It is the 4th one
December 2006
October 2007
April 2012
July 2013

The 1st traumatic
The 2nd just shock & more questions
The 3rd physically painful and emotionally numb
The 4th the longest loss ever…2 weeks and counting
“Just take them out”

My faith is shaken
1 friend truly understands, others try
“Keep trying”
“Pray” they all say

What next?
1 miracle lives & brings continuous joy
But there is still a longing…
Still lots of questions…
And no real good answers of why